Awarded to

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions already asked by Leaders and Parents.

If you cannot find an answer to a question here, please contact us and we will make every attempt to get back to you within the same day.

Q: I’m a parent to a Joey as well as a Leader. Can I go as Leader and Parent (combined)?

A: Unfortunately not. You need to make the decision to attend as a Parent/Caregiver or a Leader - the main reason being that if you are called away during the evening (or any other time for that matter) to tend to a child or some other issue, your own child will be left alone or in the care of another parent which at night, would not be acceptable.

This does not however, prevent you from being a Parent/Caregiver with your child and also acting as a familiar point of contact during the day for the other parents and children in your Mob.

If there is no other Leader in your Mob, or none that is able to attend the Hoporee as “the Leader”, speak to someone in the District or to your Group Leader and you may be able to “buddy up” with another Mob to cover all bases.

In any case, there will be a lot of warranted Leaders at the event so there shouldn’t be an issue. Feel free to contact the Hoporee team at if you wish to discuss this or have any further queries.

Q: I have a Joey that will be Linking to Cubs at the start of Term 4. Can they still come to the Hoporee as a Joey?

A: The member will still need to be registered as a Joey at the time of the Hoporee. As long as they fall within the age limits (ie no older than 8 years and 1 month at the time of the event), they are eligible to attend as a Joey. If over age they would require permission of the Branch Commissioner (Joey Scouts) to attend as a Joey—contact

Q: My child will not turn 6 until after the deadline for registrations. Is there any way that he can attend the 2017 SA Hoporee?

A: Yes, but you will still need to have the application form and payment in before the deadline. In the application you will need to enter zero (0) as the membership number for the time being. Speak to the Joey Leader and include a note with the application form so that it can be noted on the database. Affiliation fee (Scout Membership fee) must be received by Scout Headquarters prior to your child attending the weekend.

Q: I am attending as a Joey Parent but have to work on Sunday morning. Can I leave the Hoporee site and come back later?

A: No. All Joey Scouts must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver for the entire weekend.       

Q: My child is going to join a Scout Group for the first time in Term 4 2017. Is there any way that he can attend the 2017 SA Hoporee?

A: Yes, but you will still need to have the application form and payment in before the deadline. In the application you will need to enter zero (0) as the membership number for the time being. Speak to the relevant Leader and include a note with the application form so that it can be noted on the database. Affiliation fee (Scout Membership fee) must be received by Scout Headquarters prior to your child attending the weekend.  

Q: May I register my Scout-aged son so that he can camp with us on the weekend?

A: Subject to approval from Hoporee Management (contact, Scout-age members may attend the 2017 SA Hoporee, provided that they have a designated role (eg kitchen staff, activity assistant). They may not attend as “participants”. Scout-age members will be required to sleep in separate tents, as they cannot sleep with Joeys as per Scouting regulations. Speak to your Joey Leader in the first instance.

Q: Is it permitted for both parents to attend with 1 Joey?

A: Yes, on submission of application form together with appropriate fee. In this family situation, both parents are permitted to sleep in a tent with the one Joey, unless one of the parents is attending as a Leader—the Leader must not sleep with their youth membertheir partner or another adult of the opposite gender as per Scouting regulations.

Q: How much leeway is there with the closing date for applications?

A: None! There needs to be sufficient time to finalise all the applications to meet deadlines for merchandise and other planning arrangements. The key dates are as follows:

  • 22 September 2017: date by which applicants must have their signed forms and money submitted to their Groups.
  • 6 October 2017: date by which Groups must have forms and money collated and submitted to Scouts (SA Branch) Headquarters

Any late applications will only be processed on a case-by-case basis and will incur an additional late payment fee.

Q: I need to pay the fee by cheque. Do I make the cheque out to Scouts SA or my Group?

A: The cheque should be made out to your Scout Group. Please check with your Leader for details of how to pay. 

Q: Can I pay the fee by bank transfer?

A: This may be possible depending on your Group’s policy. Please check with your Leader regarding this.

Q: I want to attend as an Activity Leader, but the price in the online application comes up as $50 instead of $20. What do I do?

A: Apply as an Activity Leader—in the first instance the price will show as $50. When your application has been received electronically and you are assigned as an Activity Leader the correct price will be recorded against your application. Only pay $20 to your Group.

Q: I am a Joey Leader. Do I need to check anything on the application forms before I sign them?

A: Check with your Group Leader if you do not have the instructions from the Application Support Information. Follow those instructions and ensure that you have checked the following things:

  • The parent/caregiver has signed the form for youth members.
  • Name/address of youth members match with your membership records—take the opportunity to update your own records.
  • Membership number is present for all Scouting members.
  • For people from the same family applying (eg Joey/Parent), check that the application registration number is different (some people overtype the application for their child with their own details, and accidentally delete the child’s application information).

If you have a question that has not been answered, please ask your Leader or email  and we will respond as soon as possible.